sono passati quasi due mesi da quando nostra figlia Jay Alice ha effettuato l’intervento presso la vostra clinica. Sta andando tutto molto bene, meglio anche rispetto alle aspettative per un intervento così delicato e importante. Io ho avuto il piacere di essere vicino a Jay per una settimana e ho potuto apprezzare la gentilezza, la professionalità e la capacità di tutto il personale dello staff: dal chirurgo Prof. Dott. Miroslav Đorđević, agli altri medici, agli infermieri, alle signore che aiutano per le pulizie, alla Segreteria, all’autista e spero di non avere dimenticato nessuno. Stessa cosa vale per la struttura, per la clinica ST Medica.
Ho potuto anche apprezzare la città, Belgrado, dalla quale sono partito con un bellissimo ricordo.
Vi ringrazio ancora per quanto avete fatto per Jay e vi auguro tutto il bene possibile per voi, le vostre famiglie e la vostra professione.
Un caro saluto e un abbraccio con il cuore.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and all your amazing staff in Belgrade for helping me find my peace of mind.
For me, the phalloplasty surgery was not an easy journey physically and mentally, but the warm attitude, the medical professionalism of you and the entire team, greatly improved my recovery experience.
It’s too early but I’m already waiting to see you again in the second stage. 🤟
I’m glad I chose to spend my journey in the right place. God bless you and your team🙏.
I wish I could say this to you in person, but since you’re in the US, I hope this message finds you in good health.
As I fly back home tomorrow, I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude to you. Your expertise, skill, and dedication have transformed my life in a way I had only dreamed of. The care and compassion shown by you and your entire team throughout this journey have been invaluable to me, giving me the confidence to take this important step in my transition.
I am filled with immense appreciation for the meticulous work you performed, and I feel more comfortable and aligned with my true self than ever before. Your talent as a surgeon is truly exceptional, and I am forever grateful for the results.
Thank you for making this transformative experience as smooth and positive as possible. Your kindness has left a lasting impact on me, and I will always remember you as a crucial part of my journey. I look forward to seeing you for my second stage. May God always bless you.
Hello everyone.
My name is Marius and I am from Romania. Words are not enough to thank Dr. Miroslav Djeordjevici and his team for completely changing my life 10 years ago. The day I decided to go to the doctor was the best choice of my life. In short, In 2012 following a urinary infection and a bladder rupture, combined with an internal hemorrhage, I lost 80-90% of the length of my penis. (penile necrosis) including urethral blockage, following some complications of my complex diseases. I want to specify that I also suffer from a rare blood disease, making any surgical intervention even more difficult. A year later, in 2013, I managed to get to Belgrade to Dr. Miro and his team, who changed my life. After two surgeries, the doctor managed to reconstruct my penis and urethra and also to stop the strong reflux of urine to the kidneys. 3 months after surgery I had my first normal sexual intercourse. Since then my life has returned to normal, Now 10 years later, March 2023 I feel incredible. I still have a normal sex life.
Once again I thank Dr. Miro and his team.
For people from Romania who suffer from complex urological problems and want more information, I am available through my email address. Marius_puiu@yahoo.com
God bless Dr Miro his family and his team!!!!
Thank you again Dr Miro!!!
Neizmerno hvala profesoru Miroslavu i celom njegovom timu na urogenitalnoj hirurgiji.
Imao sam tu nesrecu da imam Hidradenitis Suppurativa Scrotalis, profesor je odmah postavio ispravnu dijagnozu koja je posle i patoloski potvrdjena. Zakazana je operacija koja je prosla u najboljem redu i koja je podrazumevala radikalnu ekciziju obolelog tkiva i rekonstrukciju skrotuma. Post operativni oporavak je vodio njegov tim (Marko, Borko i ostatak ekipe) koji su uredno bili na vezi sa profesorom i izvestavali ga i sve je zaraslo bez komplikacija. Moram da napomenem da je vise hirurga izbegavalo da operise jer su urolozi pricali da nije uroloski problem vec za plasticnog hirurga dok su plasticni hirurzi izbegavali zbog same lokacije tj. jer je u pitanju skrotum. Na kraju je profesor Miro sa njegovim timom uradio operaciju i vratio mi zivot bez bola i ikakvih tegoba ili posledica. Ono sto je jos jako vazno da ljudi znaju da su u pitanju pre svega jako dobri i empaticni ljudi koji su pritom izuzetno strucni i to pisem iz licnog iskustva. Mogu samo da posavetujem svima koji imaju neki urogentialni problem koji indicira hirugiju da ne cekaju i da kontaktiraju profesora jer za sve postoji resenje samo je potrebno obratiti se na pravu adresu a ukoliko neko cita ovaj komentar, on se vec nalazi tu.
Neizmerno hvala u puno pozdrava za ceo tim, jako sam srecan sto sam bio njihov pacijent i jedino za cim zalim je kako ranije nisam saznao za ovaj centar.
Povod što vam pišem je vaše gostovanje na RB1 u petak 3.marta 2023. Vaši neosporni profesionalni uspesi su i lična i strukovna satisfakcija. To što ste postigli kao stručnjak i kao vođa tima zadivljuje. No, ono što ste kao zreo čovek saopštili u intervjuu jednom hip-hop, drž-nedaj, sve što leti da se jede društvu nesumljivo prevazilazi čak i ogromne uspehe koje ste postigli u oblasti hirurgije u urologiji. Zašto? Zato što uspesi u polju kojem se čovek bavi zahtevaju rad, pamet i odricanja. Uspesi u oblasti čovečnosti zahtevaju zrelost i psihičko zdravlje.
Vi ste u svom izlaganju insistirali na radu, pohvalili Beogradski Medicinski fakultet koji ste završili i čija je diploma bez nostrifikacije bila dovoljna da vas prihvate medicinski centri sveta. Takođe, odali ste priznanje svojim profesorima koji su od vas napravili i svetskog stručnjaka i retkog čoveka, mada slutim da su vaši roditelji u tom segmentu odigrali presudnu ulogu. Potom ste se založili za reputaciju svoje zemlje. Impresivno u svakom pogledu i retko, veoma retko, kako ovde tako i u bilo kojoj zemlji sveta u vremenu u kome živimo. Vi ste kao zreo čovek i superioran profesionalac potvrdili Ršumovićeve stihove za decu da se Domovina brani znanjem i lepim vaspitanjem. Hvala vam.
Sa ogromnim poštovanjem,
Sonja i svi članovi porodice Đekić
I prayed for years for this. I thankful for your years of hardwork and studies. With the grace and mercy of God you changed my life! My mind body and soul are 1 and I am completely blessed. Thank you Dr D!!!
I cannot speak highly enough of the Belgrade Center—its surgeons, anesthesiologists, and entire team of practitioners. As a transgender man, I lived my entire life yearning for the day and possibility to align my mind and body and finally live a life of congruence. Doc Miro and this team made it a reality for me in 2018, and beyond. My wife and I, together now 24 years, thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.
Dear Miroslav , Gradimir , Marta, Marco, Bogdan and all your team .
I want to thank you to all from all of my heart for your work, for your attention, for your time. Thank you God and you that it’s over and we will never return to this question again . We are very glad that we decided to go to Belgrade to the team of the greatest professionals and competent doctors. Special thanks for the service provided . Good luck, health to your families and may there always be warmth, luck and health in your homes.
Thank you.
sono passati quasi due mesi da quando nostra figlia Jay Alice ha effettuato l’intervento presso la vostra clinica. Sta andando tutto molto bene, meglio anche rispetto alle aspettative per un intervento così delicato e importante. Io ho avuto il piacere di essere vicino a Jay per una settimana e ho potuto apprezzare la gentilezza, la professionalità e la capacità di tutto il personale dello staff: dal chirurgo Prof. Dott. Miroslav Đorđević, agli altri medici, agli infermieri, alle signore che aiutano per le pulizie, alla Segreteria, all’autista e spero di non avere dimenticato nessuno. Stessa cosa vale per la struttura, per la clinica ST Medica.
Ho potuto anche apprezzare la città, Belgrado, dalla quale sono partito con un bellissimo ricordo.
Vi ringrazio ancora per quanto avete fatto per Jay e vi auguro tutto il bene possibile per voi, le vostre famiglie e la vostra professione.
Un caro saluto e un abbraccio con il cuore.
Hello Professor Miro,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and all your amazing staff in Belgrade for helping me find my peace of mind.
For me, the phalloplasty surgery was not an easy journey physically and mentally, but the warm attitude, the medical professionalism of you and the entire team, greatly improved my recovery experience.
It’s too early but I’m already waiting to see you again in the second stage. 🤟
I’m glad I chose to spend my journey in the right place. God bless you and your team🙏.
Good day, Professor Miro,
I wish I could say this to you in person, but since you’re in the US, I hope this message finds you in good health.
As I fly back home tomorrow, I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude to you. Your expertise, skill, and dedication have transformed my life in a way I had only dreamed of. The care and compassion shown by you and your entire team throughout this journey have been invaluable to me, giving me the confidence to take this important step in my transition.
I am filled with immense appreciation for the meticulous work you performed, and I feel more comfortable and aligned with my true self than ever before. Your talent as a surgeon is truly exceptional, and I am forever grateful for the results.
Thank you for making this transformative experience as smooth and positive as possible. Your kindness has left a lasting impact on me, and I will always remember you as a crucial part of my journey. I look forward to seeing you for my second stage. May God always bless you.
With heartfelt thanks and warm regards,
Hello everyone.
My name is Marius and I am from Romania. Words are not enough to thank Dr. Miroslav Djeordjevici and his team for completely changing my life 10 years ago. The day I decided to go to the doctor was the best choice of my life. In short, In 2012 following a urinary infection and a bladder rupture, combined with an internal hemorrhage, I lost 80-90% of the length of my penis. (penile necrosis) including urethral blockage, following some complications of my complex diseases. I want to specify that I also suffer from a rare blood disease, making any surgical intervention even more difficult. A year later, in 2013, I managed to get to Belgrade to Dr. Miro and his team, who changed my life. After two surgeries, the doctor managed to reconstruct my penis and urethra and also to stop the strong reflux of urine to the kidneys. 3 months after surgery I had my first normal sexual intercourse. Since then my life has returned to normal, Now 10 years later, March 2023 I feel incredible. I still have a normal sex life.
Once again I thank Dr. Miro and his team.
For people from Romania who suffer from complex urological problems and want more information, I am available through my email address. Marius_puiu@yahoo.com
God bless Dr Miro his family and his team!!!!
Thank you again Dr Miro!!!
Neizmerno hvala profesoru Miroslavu i celom njegovom timu na urogenitalnoj hirurgiji.
Imao sam tu nesrecu da imam Hidradenitis Suppurativa Scrotalis, profesor je odmah postavio ispravnu dijagnozu koja je posle i patoloski potvrdjena. Zakazana je operacija koja je prosla u najboljem redu i koja je podrazumevala radikalnu ekciziju obolelog tkiva i rekonstrukciju skrotuma. Post operativni oporavak je vodio njegov tim (Marko, Borko i ostatak ekipe) koji su uredno bili na vezi sa profesorom i izvestavali ga i sve je zaraslo bez komplikacija. Moram da napomenem da je vise hirurga izbegavalo da operise jer su urolozi pricali da nije uroloski problem vec za plasticnog hirurga dok su plasticni hirurzi izbegavali zbog same lokacije tj. jer je u pitanju skrotum. Na kraju je profesor Miro sa njegovim timom uradio operaciju i vratio mi zivot bez bola i ikakvih tegoba ili posledica. Ono sto je jos jako vazno da ljudi znaju da su u pitanju pre svega jako dobri i empaticni ljudi koji su pritom izuzetno strucni i to pisem iz licnog iskustva. Mogu samo da posavetujem svima koji imaju neki urogentialni problem koji indicira hirugiju da ne cekaju i da kontaktiraju profesora jer za sve postoji resenje samo je potrebno obratiti se na pravu adresu a ukoliko neko cita ovaj komentar, on se vec nalazi tu.
Neizmerno hvala u puno pozdrava za ceo tim, jako sam srecan sto sam bio njihov pacijent i jedino za cim zalim je kako ranije nisam saznao za ovaj centar.
Poštovani Profesore Đorđeviću,
Povod što vam pišem je vaše gostovanje na RB1 u petak 3.marta 2023. Vaši neosporni profesionalni uspesi su i lična i strukovna satisfakcija. To što ste postigli kao stručnjak i kao vođa tima zadivljuje. No, ono što ste kao zreo čovek saopštili u intervjuu jednom hip-hop, drž-nedaj, sve što leti da se jede društvu nesumljivo prevazilazi čak i ogromne uspehe koje ste postigli u oblasti hirurgije u urologiji. Zašto? Zato što uspesi u polju kojem se čovek bavi zahtevaju rad, pamet i odricanja. Uspesi u oblasti čovečnosti zahtevaju zrelost i psihičko zdravlje.
Vi ste u svom izlaganju insistirali na radu, pohvalili Beogradski Medicinski fakultet koji ste završili i čija je diploma bez nostrifikacije bila dovoljna da vas prihvate medicinski centri sveta. Takođe, odali ste priznanje svojim profesorima koji su od vas napravili i svetskog stručnjaka i retkog čoveka, mada slutim da su vaši roditelji u tom segmentu odigrali presudnu ulogu. Potom ste se založili za reputaciju svoje zemlje. Impresivno u svakom pogledu i retko, veoma retko, kako ovde tako i u bilo kojoj zemlji sveta u vremenu u kome živimo. Vi ste kao zreo čovek i superioran profesionalac potvrdili Ršumovićeve stihove za decu da se Domovina brani znanjem i lepim vaspitanjem. Hvala vam.
Sa ogromnim poštovanjem,
Sonja i svi članovi porodice Đekić
I prayed for years for this. I thankful for your years of hardwork and studies. With the grace and mercy of God you changed my life! My mind body and soul are 1 and I am completely blessed. Thank you Dr D!!!
I cannot speak highly enough of the Belgrade Center—its surgeons, anesthesiologists, and entire team of practitioners. As a transgender man, I lived my entire life yearning for the day and possibility to align my mind and body and finally live a life of congruence. Doc Miro and this team made it a reality for me in 2018, and beyond. My wife and I, together now 24 years, thank them all from the bottom of our hearts.
Dear Miroslav , Gradimir , Marta, Marco, Bogdan and all your team .
I want to thank you to all from all of my heart for your work, for your attention, for your time. Thank you God and you that it’s over and we will never return to this question again . We are very glad that we decided to go to Belgrade to the team of the greatest professionals and competent doctors. Special thanks for the service provided . Good luck, health to your families and may there always be warmth, luck and health in your homes.
Thank you.