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Professor Djordjevic at EAU UROwebinar

December 4, 2022 0 Comments

Professor Miro Djordjevic was an invited speaker at European Association of Urology (EAU) UROwebinar: The management of male genital trauma. The participants…

Quality of life and sexual satisfaction after Metoidioplasty
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Belgrade Center team at WPATH Symposium

September 21, 2022 0 Comments

Belgrade team participated 27th WPATH Symposium with new scientific data and presentations.

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Penile prosthesis in transmen

September 21, 2022 0 Comments

Meeting and discussion about new type of penile prosthesis in transmen will be organised in New York on September 23rd, 2022.  

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Professor Djordjevic at Mount Sinai

April 21, 2021 1 Comment

Professor Miro Djordjevic will be working at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, from October 31st until November 25th, 2022. In this period,…

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Professor Djordjevic performed a testicle transplant

February 11, 2021 0 Comments

Professor Miro Djordjevic was a leading surgeon in an international team who successfully performed a testicle transplantation in Belgrade! This operation is…


Where do you send the patients once their needs excess the capability of your clinic?

January 12, 2021 0 Comments

Our team performs the surgery in ST Medica Hospital, where the complete service is provided and all patients’ needs and requirements are…